Saturday, May 15, 2010

MMM, Banana Bread!

I really like bananas, but ONLY if they are near green. (I actually really like a cold banana - something I tried after Ceaser did it on Gilmore Girls when Luke was away.) Yellow with a hint of green on the top. Maybe a 4.5 to a 5 on the picture above would be perfect. If there is a single spot of brown on them, I can't touch them. Unfortunately, I don't always feel like a banana during the short time frame when my bananas reach my personal perfection. So, I don't buy bananas too often because I'm afraid I'll waste them, but this week I noticed a spot of brown on a banana and decided to wait until they all went brown and make some banana bread. I love to have a piece after a long (or short) run, and a little bite after dinner is the perfect dessert. Banana bread is great because in my experience, it is always moist, and since bananas are so sweet, you don't need to add much sugar. You can also use whole wheat flour, and it doesn't have that whole-wheaty sort of flavor that turns people off. Actually, I think it might be that the taste of the whole wheat might just go well with bananas because I like whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana too.

Okay, I know some of you are having some serious EWWWWW moments right now, and I understand the hatred of bananas that many people have. It has a strong flavor and smell and the texture is mushy. But, I'm happy I like bananas because they are awesome. They are full of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, magnesium. They help your muscles work correctly during exercise so they don't cramp. Good for your blood pressure, reduces your risk of kidney stones and apparently helps you get be in a good mood. They are delicious. They have a sort of satisfying texture that feels like you are eating something fatty, without actually eating something fatty. (Sidenote, apparently if you smash up ripe bananas and freeze them, the texture becomes like ice cream. I have not yet tried this, but definitely will.) The only problem I really have with bananas is that they seem to offend people. I try not to eat bananas around Ryan because he hates the smell, and I think a lot of people agree with him.

I actually meant to write about how Food Network finds the most unlikable people ever to be on their shows OR they turn people that are okay into complete annoying idiots (Alton Brown?). I turned on the tv to Food Network while I was baking today, and it was infuriating because of the hosts and judges. I will save this topic for next time though or else this post will become seriously long.


  1. I will eat your bananas with brown spots. I like 6 or 7. They're good for smoothies, too!

  2. well I've already earmarked my future 6s, 7s and beyond for banana "ice cream" aka frozen smushed bananas
