Monday, July 12, 2010

Ryan's Shows



For the most part Ryan and I watch the same TV shows, but there are a few shows that are just mine or just his. For example, I watch Say Yes to the Dress, 90210 and Cake Boss. Ryan watches Barrett Jackson car auctions (that go on for eons), Sports Center, Around the Horn and PTI. We often groan when the other's show starts up. (These groans are seriously lessened thanks to DVR.) Then, one watches TV and the other usually gets on a computer or finds something else to do... sort of.

I fight it, but I actually like some of Ryan's shows. I find myself wondering how much that car is really worth and laughing along with Tony and Wilbon. I really like PTI - it's hilarious. My favorite of Ryan's shows is definitely Top Gear. He downloads the episodes on the day it airs in Britain and watches them on his computer. I can't help but lean over his shoulder to watch too. Yesterday's episode was hilarious - a must see. SPOILER ALERT: Rupert Grint was on, and Jeremy Clarkson actually used the phrase "nursing a semi." Gotta love British TV.

I like Ryan's shows, but I act like I'm doing him a favor when he watches them. I don't do it completely on purpose, but I must be doing it to gain some points toward watching some of my shows. I realize I've revealed myself to Ryan in this blog, but maybe it's about time that I own up to actually liking his shows.

This is not a one way street though. When I watch some sort of wedding/model/Heidi Klum/cake decorating show, Ryan sighs, comments on my show's ridiculousness and retreats to his desk to go on the computer, which faces away from the TV. I start to watch my show, and before I know it I hear comments like, 'Why do the ugliest girls become models?' or 'How could someone wear such a slutty dress at their wedding!?!'

He may not like my shows as much as I like his, but he is at least mildly entertained by them. I think I have more "my shows" than Ryan does, but this is all evened out by one! Even when it is not football season, I am forfeiting the TV to football! Today Ryan is expecting to receive NCAA Football 11. When Ryan and I first started dating in 2005, he warned me that I should make plans by myself for about two weeks in the summer when that years game came out. I am currently thinking about where I should go when the UPS man gets here.

As I'm writing this I am reminding myself of my nephews, who are 3.5 years apart - they used to beg for "my show, my show" when one wanted Pokemon and the other wanted Bob the Builder, little boy v. baby show for those of you not in tune with children's television. (Now I think they both want Pokemon.) Much like Ryan and me, when Kal won and the TV was flipped to Thomas or Mickey or Oswald, after the groaning was over, Aden would happily watch the "baby" show, or at least sneak peaks.

Oh no, the UPS man just called and is almost  here. That's right, Ryan made friends with him, so he calls Ryan when he is about 5 minutes away because our buzzers don't work. His name is Vince.

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