Friday, April 9, 2010

I take it back

Quick note. I am watching last night's episode of The Marriage Ref, and I take back some of my good comments. They had Kathy Griffin on the celebrity panel, and I loathe her. She is the devil, not Jerry. Her voice irritates me, and I can't stand to look at her face. She was recently on an episode of Law and Order SVU where she played a very unlikable leader of a lesbian group, who turned out to be straight, and the lesbians and the straight people hated her. Even the other characters on the shows she's on hate her character. I stand by what I said earlier though, the show will be good as long as the celebrity panel is good and they continue getting funny married couples. In this episode, the married couples were actually kind of funny and definitely funnier than Kathy Griffin. Tracy Morgan was on the panel, and he was funny in a Tracy Morgan sort of way. I could see this show going downhill soon though when the novelty wears off and no one good wants to be on the show anymore. I can see this going the same route as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, moving to daytime at some point.


  1. I love watching the Marriage Ref because the couples are usually so funny/crazy, but I don't care for a lot of the panelists. I am glad that I did not see the Mean Kathy one. Larry David is usually funny, but he was so harsh on the show that it was completely un-funny. I think the ribbing has to be good-natured a la Alec Baldwin, Kelly Ripa, Tina Fey, Jerry himself to be funny.

  2. I agree. If the hosts are bad, it ruins the whole thing. Some of the hosts seem to be making it more about themselves and their bad jokes than saying funny things about the actual couples. Jerry, Alec and Kelly do the best job at that I think.
