Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

They said that on Modern Family tonight, and I kind of laughed out loud. Gets me every time. I was in fact working hard tonight. I just finished a p90x workout, Plyometrics.  A lot of my friends have been doing p90x for a while now, and my sister and our friend Renee recently asked me to burn them copies of the workouts onto dvds, so I figured maybe I would give some of the workouts a try. For over a year the only physical activity I've done regularly is running.  I used to be in the gym all the time, but I don't have a gym membership and just haven't gotten into anything besides running for a while. I don't think this is the right time for me to start the program 100%, but maybe at some point when I am not training for a race and am a little stronger I will go for it. In the meantime, I think I'll try the different workouts and see what they are about.

Plyometrics is a high intensity workout with A LOT of jumping and squats.  It is used to increase speed and explosiveness. It was an hour long and about 10 minutes in, my heart was pumping! I went at about 75% intensity through the whole thing so I could get the hang of the moves and because my ankle is bothering me a little since my VFF run yesterday. There is one move, "hot feet," which I couldn't really do with my ankle and soreness. You go on one foot and hop in a cross pattern for 30 seconds and then switch feet. It was definitely tough, and if you really go for it on every move, it could be killer.

I really liked it though. You do different moves for 30 second intervals and then move onto something else. I liked the sports sequence where you do moves like you are pitching a baseball, shooting a jumpshot and some sort of football thing. The interval set up is great and Tony Horton keeps reminding you that you can do anything for 30 seconds, and he made me believe it. I can't wait to try to other workouts, BUT maybe not until Friday because tomorrow's run might be a killer.


  1. wait till you get to legs and back. that's the hardest one, i think.

  2. I love when I make the blog! I am going to start it Monday - when I'm in Minnesota. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
