Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mmmm Cookies

So I'm really craving a cookie from Levain Bakery. These are seriously delicious cookies and one of my favorite things to eat in the world, even if I don't get them often. Unfortunately, I live in Philadelphia, and Levain cookies live in the Upper West Side in Levain Bakery (and during the summer my beloved Wainscott in East Hampton). They are huge and soft and rich and delicious. For those of you familiar with Tates cookies (another favorite from Southampton), they are the opposite of the crunchy thin Tates that you could easily eat a few of.
Tates are on the left and a Levain cookie on the right. They are both seriously delicious, but serve different purposes in my opinion, or at least they feed different cravings.

Anyway, I have no idea why I was craving these particular cookies. I haven't had that many of them in my life, and the last one I had was probably in June, so why did they pop into my head? I also don't often have serious cravings. I have ideas, like, 'oooh I think I'll make Thai curry tonight!' But, not too many cravings. Although, I always seem to want something yummy once a week during the Biggest Loser. Does this happen to anyone else? It's weird because you would think you would want to skip the cookies and do jumping jacks while chewing Extra gum during Biggest Loser. But season after season, I watch this show, cry with contestants, am happy and proud for them, and crave cookies.

Today's craving was random and serious though. I had just come back from a run and was hungry for dinner. I had cereal. Maybe it's a good thing that Levain cookies don't live in Philadelphia, but if anyone wants to send me some, please do! My favorites are Chocolate Chip Walnut and Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip. Yum!

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